Every donation helps us realize our goal of access to education and every donation helps. We are commited to maximizing the effect that your donation — no matter how big or small — has on the lives of people who receive your donation. Your donation is tax deductible and you will receive a receipt from us that you can use for your tax purposes along with a thank you letter. All donations in the US are tax deductible. Help us provide educational opportunities to outdoor tourism workers and their families and give back to the same communities that have given us so much.

Donate via PayPal:

Or you can send donations directly to:

Tiger of the Snows Fund
6519b 34th Avenue SW
Seattle, WA 98126



Sponsor a worker: Sponsor an individual worker (continuing education: improve employment prospects, working conditions, learn trade skills, make better workers, allow them to support their families, encourage them to responsibly help other in their community, promotes stewardship of mountain environments, promotes leadership)

Sponsor a Child: Sponsor an individuals education. Average yearly tuition at a boarding school in Kathmandu is $2,000.

Scholarships and Grants: Khumbu climbing school, study abroad programs, medical training

Paid Tuition: Boarding schools, private educational institutions, industry skills training, english language training, continuing education

Public Health Funding: Funding local, community based public health clinics based upon health and hygeine, medical training, and reproductive health

For more on our programs, please visit our Programs Page.


Membership Levels

  • Life time member: $10,000
  • Gold Member: $5,000
  • Silver member: $2,000
  • Bronze member: $1,000
  • Partner: $100
  • Supporter: $50
  • Donor: $25

Donate in honor of a friend or relative.
