Sponsor a worker: Sponsor an individual worker (continuing education: improve employment prospects, working conditions, learn trade skills, make better workers, allow them to support their families, encourage them to responsibly help other in their community, promotes stewardship of mountain environments, promotes leadership)

Sponsor a Child: Sponsor an individual’s education. Average yearly tuition at a boarding school in Kathmandu is $2,000.

Scholarships and Grants: Khumbu climbing school, study abroad programs, medical training

Paid Tuition: Boarding schools, private educational institutions, industry skills training, english language training, continuing education

Public Health Funding: Funding local, community based public health clinics based upon health and hygeine, medical training, and reproductive health

Why is education spending an effective place to donate resources?

Parents the world over dream of giving their children access to education. Education is one of the most important and effective ways towards improving one’s self and one’s community. Education opens up boundless opportunities and plays a major role in the development, economic, and social advancement. It has been shown that through basic education societies can drastically improve quality of life, life expectancy, basic health, gender equality, democracy, peace and reduce rates of infant mortality and population growth. Education and training help individuals build confidence and realize their potential. With increased education comes economic growth and reduced poverty rates. We believe that everyone should have a basic right to education.  Beyond the personal element that drives us to provide these opportunities, education has been shown to be one of the most effective social investments. Hundreds of millions of children are deprived from education each year around the world especially in underdeveloped regions. Often the cost to provide education for these children is minimal and only a tiny fraction of what it costs in developed countries, so the impact that can be made for a small investment is huge. The United Nations 2015 Millenium Development goals stated that “by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling.” We are falling short of this goal but you can help us to realize it.


Our Values:

  • Education/Continuing Education
  • Empowerment
  • Gender equality
  • Health and hygiene


Implementation Strategies:

  • Work locally
  • Determine where the need is the greatest
  • Build a strong local network of students and partners
  • Efficicently and effectively allocate money directly
  • Focus not only on basic education but also on access to training for trade skills
  • Individual access to education
  • Continuing education for trade skills